Welfare of Ex servicemen in UP
Uttar Pradesh is really "Ulta Pradesh" in many ways!!! Let me prove it by facts. All the states of the country including Central Government consider any serving soldier an "ex serviceman" from the date of issue of NOC (One year prior to his actual discharge from service) but "Ulta Pradesh" counts him "Ex Serviceman" from date of his actual release from the service. " Ex servicemen" quota is given to serving soldiers one year prior to their release from service so that they can apply for civil posts and take the exams for their resettlement but UP Government thinks otherwise. First of all vacancy for any post is not advertised every year and in a state like UP where any vacancy is filled generally in five steps i.e. 1. Pre 2. Main 3.Interview 4 High Court, and 5.Supreme Court It may take years together to get a job really in hand. So, the logic behind treating a soldier , an "ex service...