I need that Soft bread
मैडम मुझे सॉफ्ट वाली ब्रेड नहीं दे रही!! Modern days CSDs are more like Malls. You go there, help yourself in picking the items displayed on various counters , put them in a trolley or basket, get them billed and move out. In near future , CSD is all set to be more modern and user friendly by providing online shopping facility and home delivery like Amazons and Flipkarts. But CSDs were not so user friendly 25-30 teras back. Then, available items were displayed inside a closed transparent glass counter with csd price and item code written on it. You have to note down the item code of a particular item , you wish to purchase with quantity in a sheet of paper and hand it over to billing clerk . He/She will make the bill and some other staff of CSD will collect the items in a basket and hand it over to you.This was the procedure followed. In 1996, We were under going training at MTI, Tambaram. On a Sunday, one of my entry mate AC(U...